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Thời gian đọc: ~10 min

Exercise 1: Choose the correct word to complete the following sentences.

1. You ask for lucky money at Tet. You wait for the elder to give it to you.

2. In some countries, you take off your shoes when you enter a house or a pagoda.

3. You wash your hands before eating.

4. In my country, we peck people on the cheek when greeting them.

5. In France, you rest your hands on your lap during the meal because it’s impolite.

Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the words in brackets to complete the following sentences.

Big Ben: How was your Tet holiday?
An: Oh! I had an awful holiday.
Big Ben: What happened?
An: On the first day of the new year, it (rain) heavily. While my mother was watching Tao Quan, I decided to clean my house. While I (sweep) the living room, my mom said it would sweep away good luck.
Big Ben: Did everything go okay?
An: Unfortunately, no. After that, I went to the kitchen to eat something. While I (find) snacks in the cupboard, the jar just slipped out of my hand and fell down on the floor.
Big Ben: Oh my! Are you hurt?
An: No, but when I looked around, I noticed that my mom (stare) at me.
Big Ben: Oh, did she say anything?
An: She said breaking something on new year’s day symbolized damage or loss, possibly to family.
Big Ben: Oh, I didn’t know that.
An: Yeah, so finally I decided to do nothing. I sat and watched the rain through the windows until lunchtime.

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