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Thời gian đọc: ~10 min

Choose the correct word for each gap to complete the following text.

What do you do if you want to a book in the library? If you know the author’s , go to the author catalogue. Find the title of the book check the shelf mark. Make a note of this before you look the appropriate shelf. If you do not know the author’s name, go to the catalogue. If there no title catalogue in the library, go to the subject catalogue. Check all the titles which are under the you want. Then check the appropriate card, as with the author catalogue. Next, look for the book on the shelf. Let the librarian stamp it you take it out of the library. If the book isn’t on the shelf, ask the librarian to get it for you.

New words

  • Author /ˈɔːθə(r)/ (n): tác giả
  • Catalogue /ˈkætəlɒɡ/ (n): danh mục
  • Appropriate /əˈprəʊpriət/ (adj): phù hợp
  • Subject /ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/ (n): chủ đề
  • Stamp /stæmp/ (n, v): con tem, đóng dấu
  • Librarian /laɪˈbreəriən/ (n): nhân viên thư viện

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