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Thời gian đọc: ~10 min

Bây giờ chúng ta sẽ nghe một đoạn liên quan đến quá trình tái chế. Trước tiên hãy học một vài từ mới.

Factory /ˈfæktri/ (n): nhà máy

Sort /sɔːt/ (v): phân loại

Process /ˈprəʊses/ (n/v): quy trình, xử lý

Raw /rɔː/ (adj): thô, chưa được chế biến

Manufacturer /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃərə(r)/ (n): nhà sản xuất

Bây giờ, các bạn hãy nghe và trả lời những câu hỏi dưới đây nhé.

Listen and choose the correct answer.

Câu 1. Recycling means ______.

A. taking rubbish to a factory
B. selling bottles and cans
C. using rubbish to remake new goods

Câu 2. The most well-known recycled materials are glass, paper, ______.

A. kitchen waste
B. plastic, and aluminum
C. cotton and timber

Câu 3. The materials are ______ in a factory.

A. sorted and processed
B. picked up
C. made and sold

Câu 4. Who makes new items from the materials?

A. You and your parents
B. Manufacturers
C. Collectors

Audio script:

Recycling means using rubbish to remake new goods that can be sold again. For example, when you put bottles and cans in the recycling bin, people take them to a factory. In this factory, people reprocess these bottles and cans into many new things. The most well-known recycled materials are glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum. Other recyclable materials include batteries, kitchen waste, steel, iron, cotton and timber. Recycling starts when you or your parents drop recyclable materials, such as bottles and cans in the recycling bin. Next, collectors come to pick up the materials and take them to a processing factory where they are sorted and processed into raw materials. After that, factories sell these materials to manufacturers who make the things you buy. These manufacturers make new items from them. Finally, you or your parents buy items made from recycled materials.

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